Detecting Threats and Managing IT Assets




Threat Identification


Response Time



Cybersecurity involves implementing a multi-layered protection strategy against cyberattacks for all your networks, applications, devices, and programs.  The goal of any cybersecurity program is to be proactive at thwarting threats with effective and resilient strategies and tactics.

From threat hunting, monitoring, management, and endpoint protection to security awareness training for your staff, Wipzo Systech has the experience and the expertise to help you navigate the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape to ensure you have maximum threat protection and comply with regulatory requirements.

Our portfolio of end-to-end security services and solutions can be customized for individual business needs.  Our team of security experts, certified in advanced IT certifications, have expertise with multiple information security standards and frameworks, and various state information security regulations.  Let us help you Improve your security posture and defend against threats to maintain operational health and protect the organization’s brand and reputation.

Our cybersecurity assessments practice evaluates a client’s IT ecosystem and works to keep IT tools and controls properly configured and up to date.


Vulnerability Assessment Applications Security Controls Review Risk Assessment Consulting


Governance Federal Industry State Other

Wipzo Systech’s advanced Big Data cognitive analytics apply machine learning and AI to apply dynamic threat modeling and detection to your data from all sources.

Our modern methodology accommodates huge data volumes yet dramatically reduces false positives with real-time analytics.

You can also avoid rip and replace by augmenting your existing cybersecurity infrastructure with our platform, Elysium Analytics, built on Open Source technology and extending the value of your past investments.

Shared Data Lake

Real-time Detection/Analytics


Streamlined Integration

Tied into Cloudera, Zoomdata, PSSC

Extend Investment Value
